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Recent Publications

Research Interests

Curriculum Vitae




Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience:


·        2011 - Now Adjunct Professor of Physics, Texas A&M University Qatar, Doha, Qatar.

·        2009– Now Professor of Physics, Qatar  University, Doha, Qatar.

·        2003– 2008 Associate Professor, Physics Department, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar.

·        1998-1999 Research Fellow, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London, UK.

·        1991–2002 Assistant Professor, Physics Department, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar.

·        1984–1991  Lecturer, Physics Department, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar.

·        1981–1984  Teaching Assistant, Physics Department, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar.



Research Interests:


  • Positron Physics and its applications

  • Environmental nuclear and radiation physics

  • Recent trends in physics education

List of Recent Publications


  • For a list of recent publications click here


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