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The Tenth International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques for Solids and Surfaces

This site is intended mainly to promote, support and advance physics research and education on all levels. It is also a way for connecting with my  colleagues and students. Please feel free to send your comments, questions, or suggestions on the site or on any matter related to physics.

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Contact Information
You may get in touch with me through the university address, telephone or fax numbers. Also through my e-mail address.



(+974) 44034634


 Postal address

Physics Department
Qatar University
P.O.Box 2713, Doha Qatar

 Electronic mail

General Information:




Prof. Ilham Al-Qaradawi receives CEO Middle East  Outstanding Contribution to Science Award, 2012.

Nobel Laureate for Physics in 2005 Professor Theodor Hänsch Visits the Positron Laboratory

Inauguration of the Positron Beam System at Qatar University


© All rights reserved for Prof. Ilham Al-Qaradawi