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Dedication of The Positron Beam to Qatar




Positron Group
/ Positron Beam System               

In many areas of technology material failure is a major problem. It is always related with the presence of defects, which may be either intrinsic to the material or have been introduced due to interaction with its environment during service. The latter may include fatigue due to mechanical loading, thermal cycling, or chemical interactions.

The positron beam system has been indigenously designed, constructed and brought into operation at Qatar University as a positron beam for materials science and applied physics applications. 

This is the first equipment of its type in the region (the three other nearest positron beams are in Italy, South Africa and India), hence, regional collaboration with other groups working on other problems in material physics will be encouraged. To achieve this, a major aspect is the training of students in the latest techniques and the development of local expertise and a major objective will be to study problems of relevance to local industry. By meeting such a regional need, this type of facility will further open the University and the Physics Department to the international scientific community.

The system has been designed and built  in collaboration with the University of Cape Town in South Africa sponsored by Qatar University Scientific and Applied Research Centre (SARC), now known as the Environmental Studies Centre (ESC). At a later stage we were joined by Dr. R. Rajaraman from Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR).

For more information on positron research at Qatar University click here or contact the group leader.

Group Leader: Prof. Ilham Y. Al-Qaradawi Physics Department, College of Science, Qatar University.


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