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Gammacell irradiation unit

The Gammacell irradiation lab was established in 1988 as a research facility provided by the department of physics at the University of Qatar to serve for advanced research projects. It makes use of a Gammacell 220 (industrial irradiator) unit originally manufactured by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) but is now part of MDS Nordion International. The Gammacell 220 is designed as a general purpose research irradiator. A large irradiation chamber (3.7 L) and selectable activity range make the Gammacell 220 versatile. The Special Form cobalt-60 sources used in the Gammacell 220 are double encapsulated in stainless steel and held in a source cage.

The facility covers all aspects of gamma irradiation and is provided by an experienced staff to users from various departments of the University of Qatar and its research centres, as well as to others from the governmental and industrial sectors. 

Head of the Gammacell Irradiation Unit:
Prof. Ilham Y. Al-Qaradawi, professor of Physics, College of Arts and Science, Qatar University.

Technical staff:
Mr. Ahmed Edrees

The cell comprises a large 3.7 litre sample chamber, which can accommodate samples of about 150mm diameter x 200mm height. Doses ranging from 0.25 kGy (0.025 Mrad) are achievable at an approximate dose rate of; 3 kGy/h (0.3 Mrad/h). Accessories are available to facilitate the use of a lower dose rate if this is required in some applications.

The Gammacell 220 is for high dose studies. It can be used in a wide variety of research areas including:

1.Changing and improving properties of materials (polymers)

2.Radiation damage to electronics (total ionizing dose)

3.Sterilization (organisms, soils)

4.Crystalline effects (geology)

5.Food irradiation

6.Medical, for testing pacemakers, whose wearers may be exposed to medical X-rays

7.Space studies, such as an enhanced space radiation environment

© All rights reserved for Prof. Ilham Al-Qaradawi